
Brother2Brother University

Two brothers, fathers and Doctors of Physical Therapy who left traditional healthcare. Join 15,000+ other subscribers in a one-stop shop to take back control of your health from Big Pharma and Big Food. Actionable health tips delivered to your inbox every Tuesday and Friday.

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7 Years In The Making

7 Years In The Making Rewind back to 2015 for a minute. "Aaron" loved distance running. He spent over an hour daily, on average, doing a combination of running, biking, swimming or some lifts. Each rhythmic pounding of concrete and splash in the pool was a testament to his commitment. High activity had become his weight loss solution and it was working. He lost 25 lbs to get down to 195.He was not far from his goal weight, but there was a problem. Increasing activity is a losing battle. He...

Save Time On Your Warm-up A proper warm-up has multiple purposes. Done correctly it improves performance and reduces your risk of injury or cardiovascular event. But when done incorrectly it actually hinders performance and can result in injury. Understanding how to perform a proper warm up is important. There is no one-size-fits-all approach but we’ll talk about some basic guidelines and examples depending on your goals and mode of exercise. Why warm-up? The primary goals of a proper warmup...

What Determines Calorie Burn? You don’t have to count calories to lose fat. But calories do count whether you count them or not. And while we don’t ask our 1 on 1 clients to count calories, we still believe in the laws of thermodynamics. Nutritionally, the goal is to find simple ways to gravitate toward lower calorie options while still feeling full on a day to day basis. This helps address the “calories in” side of the equation. When people think of “calories out” they usually think it’s...

Reverse An Aging Heart Last week we discussed how deconditioning is disguised as aging with a natural loss of muscle mass and strength through the years.But aging (deconditioning) impacts our heart and cardiovascular system too. And those symptoms can be less obvious, but even more severe.There are microscopic and visual changes that occur to the heart, blood vessels and cells of the body that affect our cardiovascular system negatively year by year. These effects are exacerbated by a...

Build Muscle, Live Longer (VIP) Rewind to 2023 with me. It’s Tuesday morning and I’m headed to the local nursing home to see patients. I knock on George’s door and he smiles as I enter. He doesn’t see many friendly faces these days. This facility is well managed but they are understaffed and the workers don’t have a lot of time to chit chat. After checking his vitals, we walk the facility, work on balance and lower body strength while chatting about the Broncos, his time in the military and...

Do Calories Really Matter?“Calories in, calories out are all that matter for losing weight.”You’ve likely heard this phrase before. When it comes to health, there is an endless amount of info out there. Some is helpful, some hurtful and some contradictory.Do calories matter? Yes. Are they all that matter? No. And despite the fact that they do matter.. Do you have to track them? Not necessarily. So far this is as clear as mud. But stay with me.What is a calorie?Calories aren’t a tangible item....

Building Muscle Using Effective RepsYou have 24 hours in a day. Somedays it feels like you blink and it’s gone. You plan to workout after the kids go to bed but by the time they get down it’s sometimes after 10:00PM.It doesn’t matter what your goals are, we all want more results in less time. And the best results will include resistance training - whether you are 18 years old or 80, whether you have been active your whole life or a lifelong couch potato - resistance training is for you. The...

Potassium: The Traffic Control System On your commute to work, you suddenly see brake lights ahead. 100s of them. You stomp the brakes and slowly come to the realization that your lane is ending and everyone is merging to one lane.Eventually you know there’s construction going on and traffic continues to be halted. There’s too many cars trying to use one lane with nowhere to go. Horns beep and frustration builds.At first thought, it’s a traffic problem. In reality, it’s that the road is too...

Less Time, More Results “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world”-ArchimedesHope you guys had a great holiday weekend. Time to settle back in and build some momentum again. The quote above holds true in every area of life. While Archimedes was talking about physics, the idea of leverage is useful in business, education and even health and fitness.An 80 year old can lift a car with a mechanical jack. But a powerlifter would struggle to lift...

How Insulin Causes High Blood Pressure Good morning guys!Imagine a man named John. He’s in his 40’s and is always busy with work. He’s got 3 young kids ages 6,10, and 12. John loves a good burger and fries and a few beers on a Friday night but in general, tries to be mindful with more of his meals these days. After all, he isn’t getting any younger.He’s even managed to drop 5 lbs over the last month with a few changes to his diet while walking more. He’s feeling a bit nervous this morning....